Monday, August 29, 2011

Busy beyond Measure

Since writing a blog is required in the class I am taking I have tried to write a blog every day. We need at least 20 entries before our blog URL is due. So my mind set is if I write every day or at least try then if I don't get to a blog one day by the due date October 24th I will have at least 20 entries. I am so glad that I decided to do it this way because I am finding myself extremely busy. I have three online classes at the moment: Interpersonal communications, General Psychology and Expository Writing. No one can imagine the amount of work that is required between all three. There are days I just don't get to the blog. Then September 12th I start my Introduction to Algebra class. I hope to have my required blogs done by October 17th because that is when I start my Humanities class. 

As you can see I have a hectic school schedule but let’s not forget the other responsibilities that I have. I am an active member of my Church and participate on the decorating and food service team, go to a connect group 1st and 3rd Mondays, I also attend a group dedicated to parents that were or are teen parents on Thursday nights and volunteer in the nursery. I have a husband and two boys that need my attention and I have a home that I need to maintain. So needless to say I keep busy. I usually get up 5:30 in the morning and don't get to bed until after midnight. 
If I was an outsider looking in I would say "Wow I don't see how you do it and why you do it." Well if you have read other blog entries you know that everything I do I seek the guidance of the Lord. So he continues to maintain me and give me the drive to do all things. One day all this busyness will be rewarded. For now I continue to live in his will and create balance. If I know my body is tired and I need some extra rest then that is what I give it. Burning myself out is not an option by any means.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Who knows...

I titled this entry who knows because I have no idea what this blog is going to be about. I have been trying to get a grasp on my classes and make sure I do the best I can do on my assignments. It is only the 2nd week but I want to do well and I want to get into a groove so it comes easily to me. Testing has to be my biggest challenge. One of my classes I can use my books or notes and when I go to take the test I misread a question or interpret it wrong. I think I am going to start taking my tests on Friday after I dropped the boys off to their schools. Maybe if I am alert and it is complete quiet I will perform better. I know to some having an 86 in a course is good but that isn't good enough for me. I want A's and B's when I end the semester. 

School isn't the only thing I have going on in my life. I have activities at Church that I do. I have a husband and boys I take of. A home to keep up and food to cook. So I could use those as an excuse to not get A's and B's in my courses. That isn't the kind of person I am. Once upon a time I made excuses for everything but God revealed that I needed to get rid of excuses. Do everything in my ability and leave the rest to him. Ever since I change my attitude and applied this to my life it has given me a better out look and I manage to get a lot more done. I learned in Communications class that this is self-prophecy. It is amazing how your classes can really apply to your life. 

So I asked advice from my instructor. I think a lot of times people give up before even seeking all areas for help. It is so much easier to give up then to find out what you need to do. Usually when you find out what you need to do it means extra work. I think that people have gotten lazy over time and the idea of hard work isn't something desired. I like to work hard so that I can accomplish the goals that I have set and that are in the will of God for my life.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Online Classes

My choice to take online classes was because I wasn't sure I would be able to get my youngest in daycare. I also wanted to be able to maintain my household (clean, laundry, cook). When I signed up for online classes there wasn't any place in my mind that I would not be an active student. After being in my online classes for 1 going on 2 weeks I am starting to wonder if people choose online because they feel they can do minimum effort. Just post assignments, reply to a few discussions and then that is it. I am finding it very hard to become engaged with my classmates. So it makes me wonder do I lower my expectations or do I continue to apply myself to my courses regardless of my classmates?

Well I think of it like this: Who gets the grade? Who benefits? Who loses? The answer is always me so I will continue to apply myself regardless of how others respond. I need to do well in my classes and that is not for anyone else but myself.

It makes you also want to think that people say well participation isn't worth that much so I will just do better on everything else. I see more activity in my Agents of Change forum then I do my classes. It just doesn't seem that it should be more of a priority then getting everything you can out of your classes. I chose to go to school to better myself and to be able to show my children never to give up. 

I will do my best in all things!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Why Pre-Nursing?

Well here we go again writing in a blog. Interesting I don't find it like writing because I am typing but I suppose writing is no longer just putting a pen or pencil to paper.

A lot of times when I tell people my major is pre-nursing they want to know why or have something to say about it. I am 26 years old soon to be 27 and it has taken me awhile to get to this place in my life.

The biggest reason that I chose pre-nursing for my major is because that is where I believe God wants me to be. I prayed for revelation on what he wanted me to do with my life. It came to me that I was to use my life experiences with substance abuse to help others. So many times I hear the question: Why not be a counselor? That is not what God told me to do at this time.

So I will continue to have a goal of being a nurse in a rehab facility working with youth and young adults with substance abuse problems until God tells me otherwise. I am aware that this path will not be easy but it will be a lot easier being in the will of God then not being in it.

I am aware not everyone has a relationship with God and doesn't feel the same way that I do but that doesn't mean I am going to change my faith or my beliefs. So until God tells me otherwise being a nurse is my goal. Where God guides God provides.

Starting a Blog

This will be the first blog that I have been required to do. I have tried blogging before because I really enjoy writing. I never stayed with it because I didn't have anyone read it or it wasn't required. I am not sure if I will be any good at blogging.  One thing that I have learned is you never know if you are going to be good at something until you give it a try.  I hope to try to blog if not every day every other day to not only fulfill my requirements for my class but to get into the habit of blogging. When I was younger I use to journal and found it very helpful to my every day life.
I think it is interesting how things have changed when it comes to school. When I went to school it was required to have a writing journal now it is required to have a blog. Makes me wonder what will be required when my children get to college. I chose to go to DCCC because it was close to my house and I believed it was a decent school to attend. I chose online classes because I have a wonderful husband and two little boys that require me. I also am very active in our Church. I felt by doing online classes I would be able to still continue my attention in these areas.
 I am taking three online classes currently. I start a math class I go to four days a week on September 12 and another online class October 17th. My major is pre-nursing. I will go into detail on my next blog of how I got to the decision of becoming a nurse.