Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Why Pre-Nursing?

Well here we go again writing in a blog. Interesting I don't find it like writing because I am typing but I suppose writing is no longer just putting a pen or pencil to paper.

A lot of times when I tell people my major is pre-nursing they want to know why or have something to say about it. I am 26 years old soon to be 27 and it has taken me awhile to get to this place in my life.

The biggest reason that I chose pre-nursing for my major is because that is where I believe God wants me to be. I prayed for revelation on what he wanted me to do with my life. It came to me that I was to use my life experiences with substance abuse to help others. So many times I hear the question: Why not be a counselor? That is not what God told me to do at this time.

So I will continue to have a goal of being a nurse in a rehab facility working with youth and young adults with substance abuse problems until God tells me otherwise. I am aware that this path will not be easy but it will be a lot easier being in the will of God then not being in it.

I am aware not everyone has a relationship with God and doesn't feel the same way that I do but that doesn't mean I am going to change my faith or my beliefs. So until God tells me otherwise being a nurse is my goal. Where God guides God provides.

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