Friday, August 26, 2011

Online Classes

My choice to take online classes was because I wasn't sure I would be able to get my youngest in daycare. I also wanted to be able to maintain my household (clean, laundry, cook). When I signed up for online classes there wasn't any place in my mind that I would not be an active student. After being in my online classes for 1 going on 2 weeks I am starting to wonder if people choose online because they feel they can do minimum effort. Just post assignments, reply to a few discussions and then that is it. I am finding it very hard to become engaged with my classmates. So it makes me wonder do I lower my expectations or do I continue to apply myself to my courses regardless of my classmates?

Well I think of it like this: Who gets the grade? Who benefits? Who loses? The answer is always me so I will continue to apply myself regardless of how others respond. I need to do well in my classes and that is not for anyone else but myself.

It makes you also want to think that people say well participation isn't worth that much so I will just do better on everything else. I see more activity in my Agents of Change forum then I do my classes. It just doesn't seem that it should be more of a priority then getting everything you can out of your classes. I chose to go to school to better myself and to be able to show my children never to give up. 

I will do my best in all things!

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