Monday, August 29, 2011

Busy beyond Measure

Since writing a blog is required in the class I am taking I have tried to write a blog every day. We need at least 20 entries before our blog URL is due. So my mind set is if I write every day or at least try then if I don't get to a blog one day by the due date October 24th I will have at least 20 entries. I am so glad that I decided to do it this way because I am finding myself extremely busy. I have three online classes at the moment: Interpersonal communications, General Psychology and Expository Writing. No one can imagine the amount of work that is required between all three. There are days I just don't get to the blog. Then September 12th I start my Introduction to Algebra class. I hope to have my required blogs done by October 17th because that is when I start my Humanities class. 

As you can see I have a hectic school schedule but let’s not forget the other responsibilities that I have. I am an active member of my Church and participate on the decorating and food service team, go to a connect group 1st and 3rd Mondays, I also attend a group dedicated to parents that were or are teen parents on Thursday nights and volunteer in the nursery. I have a husband and two boys that need my attention and I have a home that I need to maintain. So needless to say I keep busy. I usually get up 5:30 in the morning and don't get to bed until after midnight. 
If I was an outsider looking in I would say "Wow I don't see how you do it and why you do it." Well if you have read other blog entries you know that everything I do I seek the guidance of the Lord. So he continues to maintain me and give me the drive to do all things. One day all this busyness will be rewarded. For now I continue to live in his will and create balance. If I know my body is tired and I need some extra rest then that is what I give it. Burning myself out is not an option by any means.

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