Saturday, August 27, 2011

Who knows...

I titled this entry who knows because I have no idea what this blog is going to be about. I have been trying to get a grasp on my classes and make sure I do the best I can do on my assignments. It is only the 2nd week but I want to do well and I want to get into a groove so it comes easily to me. Testing has to be my biggest challenge. One of my classes I can use my books or notes and when I go to take the test I misread a question or interpret it wrong. I think I am going to start taking my tests on Friday after I dropped the boys off to their schools. Maybe if I am alert and it is complete quiet I will perform better. I know to some having an 86 in a course is good but that isn't good enough for me. I want A's and B's when I end the semester. 

School isn't the only thing I have going on in my life. I have activities at Church that I do. I have a husband and boys I take of. A home to keep up and food to cook. So I could use those as an excuse to not get A's and B's in my courses. That isn't the kind of person I am. Once upon a time I made excuses for everything but God revealed that I needed to get rid of excuses. Do everything in my ability and leave the rest to him. Ever since I change my attitude and applied this to my life it has given me a better out look and I manage to get a lot more done. I learned in Communications class that this is self-prophecy. It is amazing how your classes can really apply to your life. 

So I asked advice from my instructor. I think a lot of times people give up before even seeking all areas for help. It is so much easier to give up then to find out what you need to do. Usually when you find out what you need to do it means extra work. I think that people have gotten lazy over time and the idea of hard work isn't something desired. I like to work hard so that I can accomplish the goals that I have set and that are in the will of God for my life.

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