Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Starting a Blog

This will be the first blog that I have been required to do. I have tried blogging before because I really enjoy writing. I never stayed with it because I didn't have anyone read it or it wasn't required. I am not sure if I will be any good at blogging.  One thing that I have learned is you never know if you are going to be good at something until you give it a try.  I hope to try to blog if not every day every other day to not only fulfill my requirements for my class but to get into the habit of blogging. When I was younger I use to journal and found it very helpful to my every day life.
I think it is interesting how things have changed when it comes to school. When I went to school it was required to have a writing journal now it is required to have a blog. Makes me wonder what will be required when my children get to college. I chose to go to DCCC because it was close to my house and I believed it was a decent school to attend. I chose online classes because I have a wonderful husband and two little boys that require me. I also am very active in our Church. I felt by doing online classes I would be able to still continue my attention in these areas.
 I am taking three online classes currently. I start a math class I go to four days a week on September 12 and another online class October 17th. My major is pre-nursing. I will go into detail on my next blog of how I got to the decision of becoming a nurse.

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