Friday, September 2, 2011

No time to be sick...

   Well I am glad that I had a goal to write a blog each day because I certainly have missed a few days. It seems like I have all this work to get done and as I chip away at it the pile gets bigger. I try not to leave anything to the last minute.
    Well today is Friday and I have 2 papers to write before Tuesday. Not long papers but still the same papers. I have plans to get my assignments that are due by Sunday done today. The only problem is I haven't been feeling well. Being a wife and mother you get use to not feeling well and continue everything you have to get done in a day. When I add school to what needs to be done I am not sure how everything will pan out.
I choose to look at it this way:
    What I learn from this 1st experience and how everything will work together (or against it) will be able to be used toward future semesters. Just like dinner has to be made and the dishes have to be done so does homework. If I push myself for everything else to get done when I don't feel good then I can push myself for my school work to get done.
    My goals don't change because I don't feel good. The world doesn't stop moving. It would be so easy to curl up on the couch and just let the kids watch cartoons once they get home but being able to press through the hardships is a skill I have acquired from other points in my life.
    Never give up and don't make excuses when within your control are mottos that I apply to my everyday life. This situation is no different. The school work will get done and it will be the to best of my ability and the rest well... that is up to GOD.

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