Monday, September 26, 2011

Way behind

My Family
Well I haven't been on my blog in awhile guess that shows how busy I have been. When I do find free time it is not to be blogging. Which is silly considering what better way to get through the day to take a moment and write about what may have happened good or bad throughout the day. I think I am going to try to blog before I go to bed at night, maybe it will help get school, home off my mind so I can get into a deeper sleep quicker.

This weekend was awesome!! Friday, I spent all day with my husband because he took it off to spend with me and then after we picked up our boys we out shopping and out to eat. For someone who never gets to spend quality time besides sitting around the house because we are tired or busy this was a real treat. Saturday, we had a woman's encounter at our Church. Spent all day learning from some awesome women. My husband and boys spent all day in their pajamas having some quality men time. Sunday, we had church and we got great news about the father of our pastor who has been in ICU all week. Also I managed to get all school work caught up which can be a challenge when trying to do everything else. 

All I can do is everything in excellence (my best) and pray it is good enough. The thing I learned best is to ask help when you need it otherwise you can get overwhelmed and just give up. As I said in previous posts giving up is not an option.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Seems like a century has passed

Yesterday, was such a long day I honestly forgot I wrote a post in my blog. I was thinking that I needed to write a post today because I haven't written one all weekend. I am still managing to make everything work with in the day I just stayed busy from 5:30 a.m - 11:30 p.m. I suppose today will be like that too. I don't feel overwhelmed at all everything seems to be under control. 

Anyways, I find the fact that some people really enjoy online classes while others find them lacking in areas. I am enjoying having a class that I go to and I enjoy having online classes. I believe everything is what you make of it. I really enjoy the book that goes with my English class. I have a feeling I am going to use it through out my college years and maybe even in my career. It has everything I need to write a well composed paper for any situation. I am finding my interpersonal communication's book really interesting as well. I find myself looking at a situation in a different view. I am applying it to my everyday life. It is like my christian walk I apply things I learn to my life. This class is applying to that aspect of my life in how I interpret what people say and act. It is really awesome. I have always enjoyed school but this is different for me. I am finally going to school so I can become what I believe is the will of God for my life. So to really enjoy it is a bonus. 

I hope that my children will be able to come to me with their homework and I will be able to answer them. To figure out how to solve whatever it may be that they are doing. I want to always be smarter then my children if at all possible.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Classes Classes and more Classes

It is official the dreaded Introduction to Algebra starts today. The teaching that I have gotten is to stay positive and look at the up side to whatever you are going to face.

My 6 year old has shown a huge interest in math and science. With this in mind my strong subject is science not math so with me being forced to take a math class it may begin to strength my knowledge in the area. Considering I don't want my 6 year old to ever out do my ability in math it is a good thing. 

Learning how to manage my class load is coming pretty easy. My issue is trying to create discussion on the boards. I have 2 classes where participation is part of the grade and in order to get participation you are suppose to partake in discussion. I try to ask questions and it puts people on the defense. I post something and people just agree instead of taking their place on the subject. I actually stopped posting in my Psych class because it is discouraging to not get replies. In my english class we are to post our paper for student review. I was very nervous about doing so because you never know how someone is going to feel about your paper. The only reply I got was "nice paper I like the points you choose". Maybe it is still the start to class and it will get better. 

In order not to complain to my professors I have chosen to write in  my blog. Maybe next semester there can be some changes made in how discussions are moderated. Even if they use a student helper to make sure discussions are taking place etc. it might be helpful. I understand that professors are busy especially my psych teacher he has his own full time private practice. If classmates were more willing to help each other instead of keeping to themselves it would help as well.

All I can do is continue to think positive and do my part. The rest will come.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Successful Saturday!!

Every Saturday I let the kids chill out watch tv stay in pjs as long as they want. After a full week of school it is usually needed. Sunday we get up early and go to Church and sometimes have plans afterwards so Saturday is their only day unless there is vacation. I however, spend all day doing work for my interpersonal communications class usually. I have to write a paper every week. The paper this week was to be about observing nonverbal communication in a restaurant. I went yesterday while the boys were at school and planned to read through the chapter again to see what terms I could apply to my paper today. 

Well my husband is at an all day encounter at our Church today and would you believe that I left my notes from the restaurant in our truck!! (glad I dont wait until the last moment) Well that shook the whole thing up! Good for me I have 3 classes I take and there is always something to be done. The amazing part is how much I accomplished I got my focus question done for English and studied for a Communication test and started to study for my Psychology exam. On top of all that I got my house clean!! Amazing I think I am going to rethink how I do everything now.

Being a wife and mom means there are other things besides school work that need to be taken care of and maintained. I also have Church things that I do throughout the week. Figuring out the best schedule best for everything has been a challenge but I am getting there. I am figuring out without doing a menu before I go grocery shopping it means there are nights I have no idea what I am going to cook and we have to be somewhere by a certain time. Not having a set day to do laundry every week means having to do a lot of laundry every two weeks. Not making time to do something with my 6 year old on the weekends leads to him not having such a productive week. Everything I am learning is going to be so beneficial to me throughout this journey of school but also when I start my career. I guess I should have put organizing as a benefit of college on my essay huh?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Birthdays and expectations

Well my birthday has come and gone. It is amazing how it can change from when you are a kid. My son was so excited for my birthday and I tried to explain it isn't the same as when you are a kid. He wanted to go get a cake and celebrate. Unfortunately, when you become an adult other things come before cakes and presents. Rent has to be paid and phone bills and anything else that pertains to being an adult.

I have to admit that I was disappointed with the outcome of my birthday this year. I didn't get a card or a present or a cake. My sister didn't call or text and one of my good friends just plain forgot. But I came to realize while going through these things that there is so much going on everyday in everyone's life it is so easy to forget a birthday. I think next year instead of hoping someone will do something I will have to take it upon myself to do something special.

Tomorrow I am going to lunch by myself. I could say it is just for my birthday but actually I have to observe people for one of my assignments this week. School is keeping me so busy that really anything extra I do is because it is for school. I realize I need to make a special time for my family where I am not studying or reading. I even need to make time for myself. I spent Monday sick but still had to write an assignment and Tuesday I was barely getting over it when I fell at the laundry mat. My body needs time to rest and relax. It really all goes together if we expect others to do things for our Birthday or tell  us to slow down and make us relax we could be waiting a long time.

Friday, September 2, 2011

No time to be sick...

   Well I am glad that I had a goal to write a blog each day because I certainly have missed a few days. It seems like I have all this work to get done and as I chip away at it the pile gets bigger. I try not to leave anything to the last minute.
    Well today is Friday and I have 2 papers to write before Tuesday. Not long papers but still the same papers. I have plans to get my assignments that are due by Sunday done today. The only problem is I haven't been feeling well. Being a wife and mother you get use to not feeling well and continue everything you have to get done in a day. When I add school to what needs to be done I am not sure how everything will pan out.
I choose to look at it this way:
    What I learn from this 1st experience and how everything will work together (or against it) will be able to be used toward future semesters. Just like dinner has to be made and the dishes have to be done so does homework. If I push myself for everything else to get done when I don't feel good then I can push myself for my school work to get done.
    My goals don't change because I don't feel good. The world doesn't stop moving. It would be so easy to curl up on the couch and just let the kids watch cartoons once they get home but being able to press through the hardships is a skill I have acquired from other points in my life.
    Never give up and don't make excuses when within your control are mottos that I apply to my everyday life. This situation is no different. The school work will get done and it will be the to best of my ability and the rest well... that is up to GOD.