Monday, September 12, 2011

Classes Classes and more Classes

It is official the dreaded Introduction to Algebra starts today. The teaching that I have gotten is to stay positive and look at the up side to whatever you are going to face.

My 6 year old has shown a huge interest in math and science. With this in mind my strong subject is science not math so with me being forced to take a math class it may begin to strength my knowledge in the area. Considering I don't want my 6 year old to ever out do my ability in math it is a good thing. 

Learning how to manage my class load is coming pretty easy. My issue is trying to create discussion on the boards. I have 2 classes where participation is part of the grade and in order to get participation you are suppose to partake in discussion. I try to ask questions and it puts people on the defense. I post something and people just agree instead of taking their place on the subject. I actually stopped posting in my Psych class because it is discouraging to not get replies. In my english class we are to post our paper for student review. I was very nervous about doing so because you never know how someone is going to feel about your paper. The only reply I got was "nice paper I like the points you choose". Maybe it is still the start to class and it will get better. 

In order not to complain to my professors I have chosen to write in  my blog. Maybe next semester there can be some changes made in how discussions are moderated. Even if they use a student helper to make sure discussions are taking place etc. it might be helpful. I understand that professors are busy especially my psych teacher he has his own full time private practice. If classmates were more willing to help each other instead of keeping to themselves it would help as well.

All I can do is continue to think positive and do my part. The rest will come.

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