Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Seems like a century has passed

Yesterday, was such a long day I honestly forgot I wrote a post in my blog. I was thinking that I needed to write a post today because I haven't written one all weekend. I am still managing to make everything work with in the day I just stayed busy from 5:30 a.m - 11:30 p.m. I suppose today will be like that too. I don't feel overwhelmed at all everything seems to be under control. 

Anyways, I find the fact that some people really enjoy online classes while others find them lacking in areas. I am enjoying having a class that I go to and I enjoy having online classes. I believe everything is what you make of it. I really enjoy the book that goes with my English class. I have a feeling I am going to use it through out my college years and maybe even in my career. It has everything I need to write a well composed paper for any situation. I am finding my interpersonal communication's book really interesting as well. I find myself looking at a situation in a different view. I am applying it to my everyday life. It is like my christian walk I apply things I learn to my life. This class is applying to that aspect of my life in how I interpret what people say and act. It is really awesome. I have always enjoyed school but this is different for me. I am finally going to school so I can become what I believe is the will of God for my life. So to really enjoy it is a bonus. 

I hope that my children will be able to come to me with their homework and I will be able to answer them. To figure out how to solve whatever it may be that they are doing. I want to always be smarter then my children if at all possible.

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