Saturday, September 10, 2011

Successful Saturday!!

Every Saturday I let the kids chill out watch tv stay in pjs as long as they want. After a full week of school it is usually needed. Sunday we get up early and go to Church and sometimes have plans afterwards so Saturday is their only day unless there is vacation. I however, spend all day doing work for my interpersonal communications class usually. I have to write a paper every week. The paper this week was to be about observing nonverbal communication in a restaurant. I went yesterday while the boys were at school and planned to read through the chapter again to see what terms I could apply to my paper today. 

Well my husband is at an all day encounter at our Church today and would you believe that I left my notes from the restaurant in our truck!! (glad I dont wait until the last moment) Well that shook the whole thing up! Good for me I have 3 classes I take and there is always something to be done. The amazing part is how much I accomplished I got my focus question done for English and studied for a Communication test and started to study for my Psychology exam. On top of all that I got my house clean!! Amazing I think I am going to rethink how I do everything now.

Being a wife and mom means there are other things besides school work that need to be taken care of and maintained. I also have Church things that I do throughout the week. Figuring out the best schedule best for everything has been a challenge but I am getting there. I am figuring out without doing a menu before I go grocery shopping it means there are nights I have no idea what I am going to cook and we have to be somewhere by a certain time. Not having a set day to do laundry every week means having to do a lot of laundry every two weeks. Not making time to do something with my 6 year old on the weekends leads to him not having such a productive week. Everything I am learning is going to be so beneficial to me throughout this journey of school but also when I start my career. I guess I should have put organizing as a benefit of college on my essay huh?

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