Thursday, September 8, 2011

Birthdays and expectations

Well my birthday has come and gone. It is amazing how it can change from when you are a kid. My son was so excited for my birthday and I tried to explain it isn't the same as when you are a kid. He wanted to go get a cake and celebrate. Unfortunately, when you become an adult other things come before cakes and presents. Rent has to be paid and phone bills and anything else that pertains to being an adult.

I have to admit that I was disappointed with the outcome of my birthday this year. I didn't get a card or a present or a cake. My sister didn't call or text and one of my good friends just plain forgot. But I came to realize while going through these things that there is so much going on everyday in everyone's life it is so easy to forget a birthday. I think next year instead of hoping someone will do something I will have to take it upon myself to do something special.

Tomorrow I am going to lunch by myself. I could say it is just for my birthday but actually I have to observe people for one of my assignments this week. School is keeping me so busy that really anything extra I do is because it is for school. I realize I need to make a special time for my family where I am not studying or reading. I even need to make time for myself. I spent Monday sick but still had to write an assignment and Tuesday I was barely getting over it when I fell at the laundry mat. My body needs time to rest and relax. It really all goes together if we expect others to do things for our Birthday or tell  us to slow down and make us relax we could be waiting a long time.

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