Monday, September 26, 2011

Way behind

My Family
Well I haven't been on my blog in awhile guess that shows how busy I have been. When I do find free time it is not to be blogging. Which is silly considering what better way to get through the day to take a moment and write about what may have happened good or bad throughout the day. I think I am going to try to blog before I go to bed at night, maybe it will help get school, home off my mind so I can get into a deeper sleep quicker.

This weekend was awesome!! Friday, I spent all day with my husband because he took it off to spend with me and then after we picked up our boys we out shopping and out to eat. For someone who never gets to spend quality time besides sitting around the house because we are tired or busy this was a real treat. Saturday, we had a woman's encounter at our Church. Spent all day learning from some awesome women. My husband and boys spent all day in their pajamas having some quality men time. Sunday, we had church and we got great news about the father of our pastor who has been in ICU all week. Also I managed to get all school work caught up which can be a challenge when trying to do everything else. 

All I can do is everything in excellence (my best) and pray it is good enough. The thing I learned best is to ask help when you need it otherwise you can get overwhelmed and just give up. As I said in previous posts giving up is not an option.

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