Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Life is to short- Change of Perspective

No matter where you are in life when you have children you always want to protect them. When they get sick you feel the pain of their miseries. Sunday night the baby, Katoni (21 mths) had a slight fever. He is so stubborn when it comes to taking medicine so I waited to see if he was just warm. I was going to get up and take his temperature when he started shaking. I screamed for my husband standing there in shock that my baby was having a seizure. We called 911 and it took about 20 minutes to get there. The seizure lasted about 1 minute but he didn't respond to my husband or I until the paramedics got there. Never in my life as a mother have I ever felt so helpless. Then the hospital said it was due to the fever and it was normal. Normal? who wants to hear having a seizure is normal? Not me! Everything that might had mattered no longer mattered. Talk about an adjustment in my attitude, mind and heart. I realized anything I might have been upset about was no longer important. My kids are gifts from God that I only have for as long as he allows. While they are here I have to love them and teach them and continue to show them the way of life. People out there sometimes don't get wake up calls until it is to late. I don't care how normal the seizure is for me it isn't normal.I won't accept this as continuing to happen. No I wont ignore the fact he might get one but I refuse to speak anything bad over my son's life. I accept full and total healing. This wont define us. It will make us stronger and better.

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