Friday, October 21, 2011



Today, is the day I turn in my apples compare and contrast paper and I have to say I am excited. Once I got past the initial shock of the paper and started a brainstorming process it flowed easier then expected. I was sick most of the week so trying to write a paper and go to class as well as my home responsibilities was daunting but I believe with every new challenge I am growing. Having to read over other people's papers is the challenge as of right now because I racked my brain to get everything I could into this paper trying to see if someone else paper works is hard. Especially when everyone took a different approach to writing the paper. I signed up for writing lab a few weeks ago to get help with grammar and sentence errors I was continuing to make on my papers. It has been very helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off of and to edit my paper. I think we get as much out of things as we put in. I am putting a lot into ever aspect of my classes so I can get out the most. I want to be able to take this semester and build upon it next semester. I am in school to gain the knowledge I need to have a career but also to be able to teach my sons. No one in my immediate family has a degree after high school so this is a big deal to me personally to do my best and obtain a degree. Learning new ways to do things is great because I can use them throughout my life. I don't see any part of this process a waste of time. I hope others realize what a privilege it is to be able to go to school to better ourselves and work towards goals.

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