Monday, October 24, 2011

Good morning!!

Good morning!!
Maybe it is actually afternoon or evening as this is being read. As I sit in the storm cellar eating breakfast waiting to go to my math class I thought it would be a great time to add to my blog. Time seems to fly by way to quickly, feels like I just started the semester and here it is already past half way in and the blog is due. Honestly, I have learned so much from my first semester.

Expecting the unexpected and being open minded to what God's plan is for my life is one of my favorite lessons. I started school with the assumption I would become a nurse and work in a rehab facility. It has changed as of recently. I went to a nursing information session open minded and with the prayer that God reveal if nursing was the route I was suppose to take. I learned that there was another major I could be that would be helping people but more in the context of what I wanted to do and that is human services technology. So here I am following the will of God for my life as it comes to me and I am happy. I have no idea what I am going to do with this major as of yet but I know as I continue to take my classes God will reveal the right place to me.

I have learned that when writing a paper if I start brainstorming way before the paper is due or even on the syllabus to start I have a better outcome. Also, I learned to use what resources are available to me. The writing lab has helped me not just in writing class but my other classes as well. Still working on time management. Currently I am trying to come back from being sick and it seems everything needs work. My house needs probably a whole day spent on organizing and cleaning. Laundry will probably take 4 washers to get done and both my boys need to sit in the bath for probably an hour. Even with all this I could not have made this semester work without my husband. He has been extremely supportive and there at every corner I have needed him. I learned not to be so hard on myself when things aren't perfect.
Going to school was and is the right path for me right now. God has guided and he has provided allowing everything to fall into place. There is no other route then the one I am on.

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