Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Getting Direction is Liberating!

God works in mysterious ways!
Yesterday, I wrote that I changed my major to human services technology and that I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it. Sometime after I wrote that blog I decided to do some research on my major to see what was common occupations for it believing God would show me something. There I found exactly what I am going to do with my major! Become an addiction counselor assistant. Working with people that have substance abuse issues it what I was planning to do with my nursing and I knew there was something along the same line available with human services technology I just was not sure what it would be. I spoke with a career services' advisor today and he stated that I was on the correct track to being what I wanted to be. I am waiting to hear from someone about a volunteer opportunity to get some more experience on my resume. Helping people has been a passion of mine for my whole life. I can not see myself doing anything else for a job.

Even though I plan to have this as my career I don't plan on stopping at that when it comes to helping others. I hope to do something with suicide awareness as well as helping parents get needed education on parenting. I believe it is one step at a time, one day at a time. Working with substance abuse will get me right in the middle of something I have dealt with since I was little. I think using what I have gone through with family members and their addictions as well as the ones I have had will be glorifying God in my life. The idea of working with criminals that have substance abuse history trying to get their life together is also a possibility of my future. As long as I can show people that have addictions the love of God and patience I believe I will be an important asset to them. Never know one day I may just become someones sponsor. The possibilities are endless.

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