Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall break: here today gone tomorrow

Everyone was so excited about fall break in my math class. For me that meant I didn't have to come to campus but it didn't mean I wouldn't have work to do.Since my online classes were light on my assignments over the break I decided to try to catch up on some housework. Fall break was in no shape, way, or form a break for me. The kids still have to get up and go to school and there is always something that can be done. Getting ahead on the assignments I did have to do would have been a great idea but it seemed like I was busier then ever with other things. A paper is due Friday for my expository writing class and I have literally picked up the information and put it down probably about 20 times in the past week. To have such an assignment that I can't even wrap my head around is just frustrating. Maybe, I will write how I would like to take the apples and smash them into pieces so there are no more apples to write about? Probably not but the idea is pleasing at the moment.
Honestly, it is just a process. Looking at the apples and putting a few notes down then coming back later doing the same thing has been better than nothing at all. Which is exactly what I have done with my psychology homework. When it comes to the end of the day I realize I am just really tired and feel like school has taken a lot of my time that I used to keep my house clean and make dinner every night etc. I have to remind myself that going to school is the first step to continuing the will of God for my life and in the long run it will benefit everyone that is in my life. I have learned a lot of what I wont do next semester. Even though it is nice to only go to one class on campus I think I will try hybrid classes if available next semester so I can have more accountability. Regardless of how I may feel or how things seem to be going I will end this semester with good grades.

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