Thursday, October 27, 2011

Last Post

The 20th post, seems like I just started writing in this blog. Only right to use the last post as a chance to say what I have learned from blogging. Growing up I always had a journal and I would write in it every day, sometimes twice day but as I have gotten older I do not have time. At least I thought that before I started this blog. I have found it so therapeutic to write in this blog everyday or every two days. It does not take long for me to open it up and type how I feel or what is going on in my life. I believed I will continue to blog and maybe one day I will make it available to others. I will take a different route with what I write about. I want to do an inspirational blog that hopefully one day I can connect with the people I work with in rehab. Also, with the parents from the teen parenting group I am a part of. 

When I first learned about this assignment I could not believe that we had to write a blog for a grade. I thought it was pointless but honestly it was due to lack of knowledge of the blog community and what can be done with a blog. Even though I have just wrote in this blog I have learned how to make my blog look the way I want and gotten a great idea of a future project with a blog. I love learning of new tools to help with my vision for my life. I know personally that reading or hearing the right words can turn away bad thoughts. Never do we know how we can impact others. I choose to aim for a positive impact and doing this blog has molded a previous idea into a current possibility to do so.

So this may be the last post for this blog but it will not be the last of my blogging. I appreciate this assignment for what it has revealed to me.

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