Monday, October 24, 2011

Two a day keeps the deadline away

My youngest son has gotten to a point where when he is sleepy he wants to be near you. Instead of sitting and watching television by himself he needs his dad or me to be on the couch with him. Since I have more blogs to write it seemed like a great time to get one done. Of course he is still not sitting down he is dancing around but sitting is a foreign concept to a 22 month old I am learning. My six year old is doing his homework and nightly reading in his room. He gets ahead because he likes doing it so much but really he is currently on restriction from television and Xbox because he has been coming home with unacceptable reports from school and church (not listening). They got to web cam with my mom earlier and they love doing that. She resides in Maine and usually we don't get to see her but once a year if that so technology has made it possible for her to watch them grow. Dinner is in the oven and heating up on the stove. Psychology will have to wait until later when the kids have calmed down. Trying to take in the concepts of theory and paying attention to the family is not easy. I am very excited about next semester getting into some of my major classes. I hope to find a place to intern or volunteer with in my field to get some experience. I think anyone who is in school should be working towards the goal of their education and making the most out of it. 

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