Wednesday, October 26, 2011


When I graduated high school and went to college I took my studies serious but I partied and wasted a lot of time on things that were not important. I went for a year and the second year I withdrew because I could not stay in the relationship I was in if I remained at school (his opinion). I ended up pregnant with my oldest so school wasn't an option. My son was 6 months when I realized love was not what I was living or feeling. It took me losing my father to realize I needed to go back to school. I went to school full time and worked full time as a single mother for a year. I was only able to attend that year before I had to withdraw to work full time. It has been over 4 years. I have gotten married and had another son as well as moved multiple times. With all of this said I take college seriously. It has taken me 4 years to realize what God has wanted me to do with my life and to get back in school. 

As I sit around campus I realize there are different types of students. There are the older students that are just trying to do well in their classes, the serious students that focus just on school work and the students that joke and play around and are here for the "college" experience. I believe I am getting more out of approaching college seriously then when I just played around. Unfortunately, this lesson isn't learned usually until life happens. I am grateful to be able to be in school and be working toward my degree. I will be the first in my family to get a degree. My husband has his BA but my immediate family never finished college. When I cross that stage it will be one of the biggest moments in my life.

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