Saturday, October 22, 2011

A day of going nowhere!!

Finally, it is Saturday.
Since, my husband is off work and the kids don't have school we usually spend the whole day doing stuff. Does not matter if we have to do it or we just want to do it. This past week I have been sick and trying to get regular things done has been a challenge. School work got delayed and I even missed my math class one day. When it finally became Friday I told my husband I thought we should stay home all day on Saturday. That is exactly what we did! I had some school work to do for my interpersonal communication class and there is some psychology that is still looming over my head. So tomorrow after we get home from church I will have some school work to do as well. If I take one day off of chipping away at school work it usually creates two days of make-up. The next two weeks will be rather busy with home and church so I have to make sure I stay on top of my assignments. 
You never know what is going to come up and I will use this knew knowledge next semester. I started this blog in August and it is due this Friday and I still have a few blogs to do. I am so glad that I started early. Same thing happened with the last writing assignment, I started earlier then usual with the process and it resulted in a much better outcome. At least I think it did, we will see once I get the grade. Next semester will be more intense with classes but I look forward to the challenge. It looks as though I will be able to continue dropping my children off and my oldest will not have to go to after school care so I am very pleased about that. I do not want lose the things I do as a mother and wife and as a member of my church regardless of how busy and hectic my life may become. 
God continues to guide and provide and I continue to listen.

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